2024 is almost over. Can you believe that? What better way to welcome 2025 than kick starting my newsletter! Once a month, I’ll be posting artworks and what I’ve been up to.
2024 即將結束。不敢相信耶。來啟動個人電子報來迎接2025吧。 每月分享新作品和最近在幹麼。
Baowei, Taiwan
Reading: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari
I borrowed this book from a local Taipei library which actually has great English book collections. So far I’m loving the unique insights and thoughts about modern societies in this book. I’ll read some more from this writer.
Went to: Art Taipei 2024
It’s the definitive annual art fair in Taiwan, or so I was told. The ticket price of 600 NTD (19 USD) is a bit on the expensive side considering I’ve enjoyed museum visits at a much lower price range. It’s a great place to get a vibe of the art market in one afternoon though. There seem to be a lot of art toys. And Jokingly, successful artworks seem to be made by Japanese/Korean, have a cat in it, feature bright colors and are visually easy to understand at a glance! Kidding aside, here are some works that caught my eye.
これは台湾の定番の年次アートフェアだと聞きました。チケット価格が600 NTD(19 USD)というのは少し高めで、もっと低価格で博物館を楽しんできたことを考えると、少々考えものです。ただ、一日のうちにアートマーケットの雰囲気を味わうには素晴らしい場所です。アートトイがたくさんあるようですし、冗談半分に言うと、成功したアート作品は日本や韓国のもので、猫が描かれていて、鮮やかな色合いで、ぱっと見でわかりやすいものが多いようです!冗談はさておき、私の目を引いた作品をご紹介します。
Scissor Kick by Xun Wang
My Latest Art Works:
Calligraphic Figures / Human Typeface.
I’m experimenting with mixing human figures and the look and feel of calligraphy in these ink drawings. All these are drawn from life. I think there is much to explore so I’ll keep working on this.
Some portraits were completed recently. For practice and as gifts to friends.
The side of the face that’s in shadow has colors all muddied and mixed up. This emphasizes the bright side of the face which captures perfectly a frozen-in-awe expression. And that ear. Sometimes highlighting a single feature does wonders.
The smug look on this man’s face is treated with colorful and flat lighting. It’s like he isn’t interested in whatever that’s happening but not in a serious way.
Vibrant colors make the features of the eyes, mouth, nose and cheeks life-like. The eyes express much of the gesture of the face. And the hair is drawn with relaxed brush strokes.
See you next time!